Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The End of One Heck of a Month

As I keep reminding my son when he asks me why mommy and daddy are glued to our computers and the financial news stations, "Matthew, this is a historic period in this country's financial history ." Though the performance numbers overall are certainly bad, I think it actually felt a lot worse. I cannot even begin to make a list of the financial firsts that occurred this past month, but I am sure somebody will. That is the subject of a longer piece.

A quick recap of the numbers instead ( CFG source)

S & P - down 9 % for sept -19.% for the year
Dow - down 6 % for sept -18% for the year
TSX - down 15% for sept -15% for the year ( Canadian dollar down 6.7% for the year)
MSCI EAFE - down 14% for sept - 29% for the year
MSCI Japan - down 11% for sept - 22% for the year
MSCI Emerging Markets - down 17% for sept -36% for the year
Gold - up 5.6% for the month - 5.2% for the year

I think I will leave it at that for now but I wanted to share with you all again my favorite investment newsletter published by John Mauldin. I have been reading him for years and find his commentaries exceptionally insightful. Thank you John!

Click on this link to subscribe

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