Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brokenness, Hope and Women!!! A New Huffpo Piece!

As you can tell I have been a busy girl the past 24 hours! I came down off the high of my speech yesterday and wrote this piece!!!! Of course I am excited about it and could it be the best one yet? You decide.

It is about Investing in Women - this is a message I am going to get out there again and again and again. Hey, I should get that phrase on T-shirts!!! And YES - I will post the website I bought my Wonder Woman T - but they may be sold out, by last order was for 30 of them!!!

The Lastest Huffington Post - CLICK HERE - INVEST IN WOMEN!!!!!!

1 comment:

Paulina said...

Begin to see the world differently and then move forward! As always, a true inspiration. To see more proof of how this is spreading take a look at this:
Go to:

And click or search "Best Advice"-We asked 10 women leaders to
share their best advice with the rising generation of women.
Here's what they had to say.

Jacki I believe you will really resonate with Sarah Ferguson and her poem..